Editing tips, techniques, and checklists
This section of the website provides “how to” information for editors.
Planning and preparing for editing
Developing a departmental style guide
Using style sheets
Deciding what needs to be done
Audience and document analysis
Working electronically
Planning an online help project
Planning an Electronic Performance Support System project
Choosing and using help topics
“Use cases” and “user scenarios” explained
Words in several varieties of English
Editing tips and techniques
An example of substantive editing
Editing procedures and instructions
Editing reports and proposals
Editing tables of data
Editing single-sourced projects
Hints for developing a table of contents
Alternatives to the paragraph
Stressing what is important in a sentence
Gender-neutral technical writing
Editing for an international audience
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Escape from the grammar trap
Use of hyphens
Terminology and spelling for Web-related concepts
Sample editing checklist
Editing tips
Editing indexes
Editing websites
Editing online materials
Editing glossaries
Editing illustrations
Editing tables