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Taming Microsoft Word (for v. 6, 95, 97)

by Jean Hollis Weber
116 pages
ISBN 0-9578419-2-2
Published February 26, 2001

Other versions available:
Taming Microsoft Word 2002
Taming Microsoft Word 2000

Available formats

Downloaded copy (PDF) – Sale, US$6.00, A$10.00

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Chapter 1 Setting up Word to work your way
Disabling personalized menus in Word 2000
Turning off fast save and turning on backup copies
Displaying paragraph marks, tabs, text boundaries, and other items
Setting up editing and printing options
Preparing for spelling and grammar checking
Choose the spelling and grammar options
Set the spelling checker to the correct version of English
Create and use a custom dictionary
Ensuring your user information is correct
Controlling Word’s AutoCorrect functions
Adding a toolbar button for an easier-to-use style list (Word 97)
Sharing documents with people using a different version of Word

Chapter 2 Editing and reviewing documents
Checking spelling and grammar
Mark some text to not be checked
Recheck a document
Finding and replacing text and more
Replace specific formatting
Find and replace paragraph marks, page breaks, and other items
Use wildcards
Marking and tracking changes
Prepare a document for editing
Edit (review) the document
Inserting comments and questions
Changing document properties
Accepting or rejecting editorial changes and comments
Merge documents
Incorporate reviewers’ insertions and deletions
Review changes by using the toolbar (Word 97 and Word 2000)
Incorporate reviewers’ suggestions made with comments
Removing comments from a file
Undoing edits
Selecting a vertical block of text

Chapter 3 Controlling page layout
Changing page layouts
Create a new section
Change page margins
Editing headers and footers
Editing footnotes and endnotes
Change footnotes to endnotes
Changing table layouts
Fit a table to the page margins
Adjust column widths
Adjust row heights
Remove vertical or horizontal gridlines
Change tabbed text into a table
Putting portrait headers on landscape pages

Chapter 4 Using templates and styles effectively
Understanding template hierarchies
Determining what templates are attached to a document
Changing the information in a template
Copying information between templates
Applying a different template
Sharing templates with others in your workgroup
Changing a style
Defining a new paragraph or character style
Speeding up style selection
Add styles to the shortcut menu
Assign styles to keyboard shortcuts
Assign styles to toolbar buttons
Removing unwanted and unused styles from a document
Printing a style sheet

Chapter 5 Getting the most from fields
Using AutoText fields to hold information that changes
Create a new AutoText entry
Insert an AutoText entry into an AutoText field
Edit an AutoText entry
Printing AutoText entries
Using document properties to hold information that changes
Define a custom document property
Insert a document property field
Using SEQ fields to solve numbering problems
Fixing or avoiding list numbering problems in Word 97
Define AutoCorrect entries to use in SEQ fields for list numbering
Define a new style for numbered lists
Use the AutoCorrect fields to number a list
Numbering chapters and appendixes separately
Set up the chapter numbering sequence
Set the first chapter number in each file
Set up the appendix numbering sequence
Set the first appendix number in each file
Including the chapter number in other number sequences
Using fields in headers and footers
Toggling the display of fields
Locking and unlocking fields
Converting fields into text

Chapter 6 Working with large or complex documents
Using automatic cross-references
Using bookmarks for cross referencing
Prepare for cross-referencing to a page number in another file
Cross referencing to material in another file
Creating captions for figures and tables
Start caption numbering at 2 or more
Editing an index
Edit an index entry
Regenerate and check the corrected index
Include group separators in a custom index
Editing a table of contents
Regenerate the corrected table of contents
Numbering chapters and appendixes separately
Set up appendix numbering
Include Appendix numbers in the Table of Contents
Creating tables of contents and indexes from multiple files
Inserting or linking to other files

Chapter 7 Working with graphics and HTML
Creating graphics to use with Word
Embedding or linking graphics
Turning off float over text (Word 97)
Keeping the caption with the picture
Define the figure or caption style to include keep with next
Choose keep with next for individual captions
Editing graphics
Cropping graphics
Annotating graphics
Changing autoshape defaults
Keeping callouts with pictures
Wrapping text around graphics
Preventing the big red X in Word 97
Writing and editing HTML files in Word
Creating clean HTML files using Word
Editing HTML files in Word
Saving Word 2000 files as HTML

Chapter 8 Creating PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat 4
Hints for getting the best results
Setting up Acrobat 4
Using PDF Maker
Printing to a PostScript file and distilling
Alternatives to Adobe Acrobat

Appendix A For more information
Books (printed)
Electronic (Web sites, e-mailed newsletters
Graphic tools

Appendix B Glossary


Other books by Jean Hollis Weber

Last updated 25 February 2007