Category: Copyediting

Writing for science journals

Writing for Science Journals

Science editor Geoff Hart’s book, Writing for Science Journals: tips, tricks, and a learning plan, is available from his website. This book is very useful for both editors and writers. I really wish it had been available when my main job was editing scientific papers for journal publication. Here is a review (not by me).

KOK Edit Blog and related resources

Two resources from the fabulous Katharine O’Moore-Klopf: KOK Edit Blog Copyeditors’ Knowledge Base Katharine specialises in helping non-native speakers of English polish their articles for submission to US and UK medical journals. She happily shares her knowledge and experience through her blog and other places.

Copyediting: Example 1

This article is the first of a series of copyediting examples, taken from the (OOo) user guides. I won’t be looking at grammar, punctuation, and spelling (the topics most people associate with copyediting) but rather at other errors that copyeditors should also be looking for. These errors include (but are not limited to) incorrect …

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