Category: Books

Is the Help Helpful?

I have made available a free copy of the PDF of my 2004 book Is the Help Helpful?. It’s approximately 9MB. For more about the book, see this page.

Writing for science journals

Writing for Science Journals

Science editor Geoff Hart’s book, Writing for Science Journals: tips, tricks, and a learning plan, is available from his website. This book is very useful for both editors and writers. I really wish it had been available when my main job was editing scientific papers for journal publication. Here is a review (not by me).

New book: Taming Apache OpenOffice

Taming Apache OpenOffice

This book is for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with Apache 3.4. It introduces Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector drawings), Math (equation editor) and Base (database), as well as common features including styles, templates, printing, a gallery of graphics, and macros. Printed copies of Taming Apache …

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New book: Self-publishing using LibreOffice

EDIT 2022: This book is obsolete and no longer available. Self-Publishing using LibreOffice Writer:How to use free software to write, design, and create PDFs for print-on-demand books You don’t need expensive software to write, design, and create PDFs for self-published, print-on-demand books. LibreOffice Writer is free, easy to use, and has powerful page layout features …

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New Perspectives on Technical Editing

I have an essay titled “Copyediting and Beyond” in New Perspectives on Technical Editing, edited by Avon J. Murphy, published by Baywood, 2010. I am honored to appear in a book containing essays by some of the field’s leaders whom I admire greatly, including Carolyn Rude, Michelle Corbin, Geoff Hart, and George Hayhoe (an incomplete …

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