Issue 29, 7 January 2000
ISSN 1442-8652
Editor: Jean Hollis Weber
In this issue...
Feature article: Readability indexes--a debate
Tools: Conversion of units of measurement
Tools: Barcoding software
Resource: Lorem ipsum dummy text
Resources: Telecommunications dictionaries and multilanguage
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Feature article: Readability indexes--a debate
Back in March 1999, Geoff Hart and Steven Jong had a debate on the TECHWR-L list, on the topic of readability indexes (such as the Flesch Index and Gunning's Fog Index).
Geoff started by saying (to someone who asked about a tool for this
"Whatever tool you pick, try this trick to test whether it's any use: take
a simple sentence and arrange the words in random order (better still, arrange
them maliciously so the sentence makes absolutely no sense, or even says the
opposite of what you intended to say). If the software provides a comparable
readability index for both versions of the sentence, demand your money back.
Good luck finding something that passes this test.
"If you absolutely need a measure of readability based solely on word counts, word lengths, etc., you can almost always use the software's built-in tools. For example, MSWord gives you a total word count, plus the number of paragraphs, lines, and characters. You can generate any index you want using these numbers... though in my opinion, you're still wasting your time. There's almost no correlation between the main readability indexes and actual readability, and there won't be for a good long time to come until someone develops a tool that can parse the content of text in the specific context of a well-defined audience."
To which Steven replied:
"This is a sweeping indictment, but it is not true. Readability formulas were
originally developed to predict the ability of schoolchildren to comprehend
written text. The parameters of the original formulas (starting with the Flesch
index) were adjusted heuristically until their predictions matched actual
reading-test scores."
"In fact, Steve is correct, because I omitted a key word in my original posting:
there is almost no _causal_ correlation."
"Actually, there is a good correlation between readability- index scores and
actual readability in certain domains. Textbook publishers and magazine editors
still use readability formulas to assess the readability of their products."
Geoff (in another note):
"I suggested randomizing the words: 'the dog is white' becomes 'white the
is dog', which is hardly readable despite having an identical readability
"Well... It's meaningless, but it's still readable. Perhaps a more interesting
example is 'White is the dog,' which is semantically the same and equally
readable according to the index, but a little more difficult to read. Why?
Because it's a right-to-left branching sentence: the object precedes the verb
and the verb precedes the subject... Although sentences can be constructed
to branch left, right, or center, they are easiest to understand when they
branch left-to-right.
"For this assertion there is experimental verification and theoretical support. Backward-branching sentences tax the reader's short-term memory... This burden is especially true for readers of English as a second language. The link between complex sentence structure and readability is causal: complex sentences are inherently less readable.
"Now, non-straightforward and complex sentences are characteristically longer than straightforward, simple sentences. This is a correlation, not a causal link, but it's a strong one. It takes a good writer to construct a long sentence that is still easy to read and understand."
"It's true that well-written short sentences _can_ be more effective than
poorly written, convoluted, long sentences. Nobody disputes that, because
it's not a fair comparison. What I dispute is the assertion that well-written,
well-organized long sentences are inherently less useful than shorter, simpler
sentences. In fact, relying on overly short sentences can compromise readability
by making the text too choppy and hindering the efficient flow of thought.
I'm unaware of any readability index that addresses these issues."
"... I don't know of any language in which readability is independent of meaning; in fact, I define readability as the ease with which the text communicates the author's desired meaning."
"I disagree--readability is always independent of meaning. I would agree that
poor readability obscures meaning, which clearly we don't want. I guess I
would define readability the same way you do, though. I can even suggest a
worse example for you: readability indices will give the same results if you
enter the sentences completely backward; they will give results, though meaningless,
for samples in any Romance language."
"What do I want? An index that does more than count words and spaces. That's
useless, as I hope my two examples have just shown."
"Actually, most indexes count words and syllables. I think I have shown a
correlation between sentence length and readability based on sound theory.
What about syllable counts? Reading is a process of decoding symbolic meaning.
Adding synonyms, jargon, and Latinates makes the decoding more difficult...
It's pretty well established that using ornate language and polysyllabic words
obscures meaning; again, it's especially true for foreign readers. This correlates
strongly to syllable counts. When Strunk told us to prefer simple words, he
knew what he was about.
"So the combination of measuring sentence length and syllable counts has a basis in theory."
"There's almost no correlation between the main readability indexes and actual
readability, and there won't be for a good long time to come until someone
develops a tool that can parse the content of text in the specific context
of a well-defined audience.
"This is important work that I believe has yet to be done. I participated
in the study of one such tool, which required measurements of some two dozen
characteristics, including passive-voice sentences, sentences with an explicit
agent of action, and many others. I believe it was well grounded, but it took
me hours to get results for a single document."
Steven (in another note):
"I would not want to base any action or decision solely on a readability index...
However, readability does have some validity, and could reasonably be considered
as part of a larger set of measurements."
"And here, I'll conclude by reluctantly agreeing with you. As a red flag for
text that is childishly simple, or horridly complex, it can work well enough.
But for the vast majority of text, which falls somewhere in between, I consider
the indices of so little use that I'd rather pay a good editor to have a read
through the manuscript and tell me if it's appropriate for my audience."
"I would, too; but have you priced an editor lately? The readability index
is simple-minded but very quick and easy to use. For working professionals,
quick and dirty metrics have advantages.
"Having said all that, I would be the first to man the battlements if someone declared that readability was the only important consideration for my documents. I am just conducting an academic defense of readability in a limited role as part of a larger set of documentation metrics and assessments."
Jean's comment:
Several people noted that someone higher up in their company demanded they
keep readability metrics, so regardless of the value of those metrics, they
use them. No one suggested those metrics should be the only criteria of a
quality document, though I'm sure that happens. I certainly know from personal
experience that poor writers often defend their writing on the grounds that
it "passed the quality tests," which included a readability index.
A useful paper on this subject is: Janice Redish and Jack Selzer, 1985. "The place of readability formulas in technical communication," Technical Communication 32(4), 46-52, which analyses the limits of readability formulas.
Tools: Conversion of units of measurement
Editors often need to check measurements and calculations in technical documents. This requirement is increasing as more materials are made available to international audiences.
Here are two useful Windows-based conversion tools that I've come across recently (thanks to people on the TECHWR-L list):
Conversion Buddy, from James E. Presley. Freeware from:
Convert, from Josh Madison. Freeware from:
With both programs, you can create custom conversions as well as use the built-in ones.
Many other shareware and freeware conversion programs are available; if you have a favorite, please let me know and I'll add it to my tools page.
Tools: Barcoding software
Several months ago I was searching for an affordable, easy to use barcode generator to create an ISBN barcode for my book. Someone generously offered to create a barcode for me, so I didn't buy a program. I was surprised not to find anyone who was advertising one-off ISBN-type barcodes for a fee, though I found numerous places that would create lots of stock control type barcodes. (Surely there's a nice niche market there for someone who has barcode software?)
The cheapest barcode software I could find (that included the code type I needed) was B-Coder Lite, which claims to "easily add perfect bar codes to Word, Access, WordPerfect, PageMaker, Quark, etc... any Windows application." I haven't tried it, so I can't comment on how well it works, but here's the address:
If you've tried this product, or have suggestions of others that you've used and find useful, please let me know and I'll add it to my tools page.
Resource: Lorem ipsum dummy text
You're probably familiar with the "Lorem ipsum" text used as dummy text in layouts. Here's where to get a copy of it online: (October 2001: address no longer working.)
Resources: Telecommunications dictionaries and multilanguage glossaries
Again thanks to members of the TECHWR-L list for pointing me to these resources.
Catheryn Mason suggests:
- Newton's Telecom Dictionary: The Official Dictionary of Telecommunications
- by Harry Newton, 14th ed, March 1998, ISBN 1578200237. The author has a Web site:
Andres Heuberger andresh@FXTRANS.COM provides this list:
- The International Telecommunication Union
- (
publishes a number of multilingual glossaries (these are printed and available
for about $20). Jean's comment: in a quick look, I couldn't find the glossaries
on the website.
- MCI Worldcom
- maintains an online, English-only telecommunications glossary at (This seems
to have the most technical terms.) Jean's comment: very slow to load.
- Bell Canada
- has a French/English dictionnary (both online and printed) at
(Editor's note July 2000 -- appears to be gone from that address)
- Ericsson Canada
- also has a glossary (Editor's note
July 2000 -- appears to be gone from that address)
- Our company, ForeignExchange
- maintains an online list of multilingual compliance resources at (Editor's note July 2000 -- appears to be gone from that address)
Jane Bergen suggests:
- An online telecom dictionary
- (Editor's note, April 2001: link no longer working.)
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